Some Gardening Advice on Planting Sweet Potato This Spring

 Do you know that the first batch of sweet potatoes was grown in the UK only in 2015? Being a native of sub-tropical climates, courtesy of its first introduction goes to a family run business covering Essex, Kent and Bedfordshire.

The correct temperature range for this crop is 21 - 26℃ - however, gardening experts have found some variants that can survive British seasons. To have a full-fledged growth, one needs to choose those correct variants and follow the procedure closely. A bit of an expert advice on gardening can help those who are planning to give it a shot this May.

So, how does one go about? Well, before ploughing, scroll down to check out a 'read-me guide' for the perfect sweet potato plant.

How to start plantation process?

According to gardening experts - for starters, one has to get slips of sweet potato or rooted cuttings. Then, they have to be soaked in lukewarm water overnight before one plants them in a pot or garden.

Next, the soil has to be nitrogen free with maximum drainage facility. Then these slips or rooted cuttings should be planted 12 inches apart from each other, with a 32 inches gap between rows. If you wish to plant them in pots, a minimum area of 8 centimetres is needed in the Gardening.

Once this planting is done, gardening experts suggest adding manure consisting of blood, fish and bone on a monthly basis. This has to be followed by keeping the plant in the shade during mid-day sun.

Trivia: Do you know that compared to general potatoes, sweet potatoes have reported a 46% increase in sales? Also, its low calorie and carbohydrate count are additional positives.

Which varieties suit the UK climate the most?

Most of the newbies tend to buy the varieties sold in the supermarkets for starting their sweet potato plantation. This is a costly mistake! Since, sweet potato is specifically a crop of the humid regions, one has to restrict to only some varieties. What are those? Take a look -


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