Join For The Nation Through Police Recruitment

 In Punjab, the Police Recruitment is heavily available for the post of constable for both males and females. You have to read the instructions clearly. You will get to know that there are about 25% seats reserved for SC/ST, the wards of the Ex-servicemen holds the reservation of over 13%, 12% seats are well reserved for the backward classes and the left over 1% is set aside for the wards of the freedom fighters. Total 50% of reservation is there.

From total of 5726 vacancies, about 3726 are set for the male applicants and over 2000 vacancies are allotted for the female applicants. There is a specified age limit for the applicants i.e. 18-25 years. As far as educational qualification is concerned, the giornale di monza has to be 10+2 pass or anything equivalent. The male applicants are selected by the District Recruitment Board and females are applicants are selected by the Central Recruitment Board.

The selection process for this level of police recruitment 2012 consists of 3 phases:-

Physical Measurement: The males have to be at least 5'7" and the females have to be at least 5'3" in height.

Physical Efficiency test: The applicants meeting the minimal physical standards are perfectly eligible for this examination. It consists of several physical tests such as 1600/800 meter race, high jump and long jump.


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