Cloud Hosting Vs Traditional Hosting Packages


There has been a lot of buzz about cloud hosting or cloud computing. Cloud hosting offers organizations an alternative to traditional hosting packages, like shared, VPS and dedicated hosting. So how does cloud computing differ from traditional hosting packages? In this article you will find out how cloud hosting differs from these traditional hosting packages.

Resource Limitations

Traditional hosting packages limit the number of resources that you are allowed to use because you are restricted by use of a single server. And when you reach the limits of a single server the performance of your site is gravely compromised, subsequently leading to things like your site being down and/or driving your clients to other more reliable sites; just to name a few. However, unlike traditional hosting packages cloud hosting does not use a single physical server. Instead, cloud hosting uses virtual servers to pool resources from a physical network of servers in order to meet any demand for IT resources. In other words, there is no limit on the amount of resources that you can use, as you can use as much or as little as you need. And when a server in the network goes off-line, your site will not be affected because it will pull resources from the other servers in the network, making sure that resources are there when you need them.

Shared Resources or Security Risks

Generally when anyone speaks of the cloud, they are Google cloud hosting credits talking about the public cloud. And much like shared hosting, cloud computing also shares resources with several thousands of customers and comes with its fair share of security risks.

In traditional hosting settings, to get away from sharing a server a dedicated hosting package is recommend. Alternatively, to get away from the security risks that are associated with a public cloud setup it is recommended that you utilize a private or hybrid cloud computing solution. In a private setting, your resources will be pulled from your own network of physical servers and are not shared with anyone else. And in a hybrid cloud setting you can utilize both public and private cloud options, giving your business the best of both worlds. However, the case for any hosting package, cloud and traditional hosting, all come with their own security.


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